বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় পরীক্ষার্থীদের vocabulary বা শব্দভাণ্ডার কতটা সমৃদ্ধ তা যাচাইয়ের অন্যতম একটি মাধ্যম হলো Synonym। প্রায় সকল ধরনের প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় Synonym-এর সরব উপস্থিতি বিদ্যমান। তাই অন্যান্য vocabulary item-এর মতো Synonymও অত্যন্ত গুরুত্ সহকারে অনুশীলন করা দরকার। এই chapter-এ বিগত বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসা synonym-গুলোর একটি বর্ণানুক্রমিক তালিকা দেওয়া হয়েছে। তবে এই তালিকাটি যথাযথ প্রস্তুতির জন্য পূর্ণাঙ্গ নয়। তাই বিস্তারিত প্রস্তুতির জন্য আরও বিশদ আকারে এবং নিয়মিতভাবে অধ্যয়ন করতে হবে।
Aberration (বিপথগমন/নীতিভ্রংশ) Deviation
Abeyance (মুলতবি অবস্থা) Suspended action
Able (সমর্থ) Capable
Aboriginal (আদিম) Unsuccessful
Abortive ( ব্যর্থ ) Primitive
Acumen (সূক্ষ্ম বিচার শক্তি) Brilliance, Insight, Shrewdness.
Adulterated (অপমিশ্রণ) Corrupted
Alight (নেমে আসা) Descend
Alleviate (দূর করা/উপশম করা) Abate
Alteration (পরিবর্তন) Adaptation/adjustment
Altercation (বাদানুবাদ, ঝগড়া ) Quarrel
Ambiguous (অনিশ্চিত, অস্পষ্ট) Unclear
Altitude (উচ্চতা) Height
Anecdote (ক্ষুদ্র সত্য কাহিনি) Fable
Annex (সংযোজন) Add
Antagonist (বিরোধী শক্তি) Opponent
Anxiously (বাড়াভাবে) Nervously, Worriedly
Adverse (অত/মদ/ বিপরীত) Hostile
Abhor (ঘৃণা করা) Hate
Apex (চূড়া/শীর্ষ) Crest, higher point, Acme
Ardent (অতিশয় আকুল) Eager
Articulate (সন্ধিযুক্ত/স্পষ্ট) Intelligible
Astute (চালাক) Shrewd
Attribute (গুণ) Feature
Augment (বৃদ্ধি করা, পাওয়া) Amplify
Authentic (খাটি প্রকৃত) Genuine
Banish (নির্বাসিত করা) Exile
Bankrupt (দেউলিয়া) Insolvent
Bargain (চুক্তি, আলোচনা) Negotiation
Barter (বিনিময়) Exchange
Bear (বহন করা, সহ্য করা) Carry, Endure
Belated (অতিশয় বিলম্বে আগত) Tardy
Belligerent (যুদ্ধরত) Hostile
Benevolent (সদাশয়) Kind
Bereavement (মৃত্যুজনিত শোক) Loss
Bigotry (গোঁড়ামি) Intolerance
Boisterous (কোলাহলপূর্ণ) Noisy
Bombastic (শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ) Pompous
Bona-fide (খাঁটি) Genuine
Bountiful (অতি দানশীল) Generous
Bounty (উদারতা) Generosity
Brag ( গর্ব করা) Boast
Brazen (বেহায়া, নির্লজ্জ) Shameless
Brochure (ক্ষুদ্র পুস্তিকা) Pamphlet
Browbeating (চোখ রাঙানো) Showing surprise
Buccaneer (জলদস্যু) Pirate
Bungled (বিফল) Unsuccessful
Callow (অপরিপক্) Youthful, Immature
Candid (মনখোলা) Outspoken
Capture (গ্রেপ্তার বা বন্দি করা) Apprehend
Chicanery (প্রতারণা/ছলনা) Trickery
Coherent (সুসংগত/ সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ) Consistent
Competent (যোগ্য) Capable
Compliant (সম্মত / ভদ্র) Soft
Concede (সম্মত হওয়া) Acknowledge
Conciliate (মন পাওয়া/শুভেচ্ছা অর্জন) Integrate, Pacify, Win
Existence of God
Appreciation of beauty
Ageing is a normal process of human development that takes place on several levels: biological, psychological and social although it is not certain what causes ageing, most gerontologists would agree that ageing is the result of a combination of both internal and external processes. The "wear-and-tear theory" compares the human body to a machine that over time wears down from use. According to this theory, bodily systems receive cumulative damage from both external forces, such as toxins, released as a result of metabolism. Cells become damaged and increasingly fail to reproduce or repair themselves. They die off in larger numbers as we age. the "combination theory" explains that influences such as stress and diet, each person is born with a genetically predetermined life expectancy that cannot be exceeded This interaction of external factors and internal programming would account for individual variations in the life span. The mystery surrounding why we age is still a topic of numerous ongoing studies. Perhaps, one day we will truly know why we age.
Nine years ago, a rice paddy in eastern Java suddenly began spewing mud. Before long, it covered three square miles; roads factories and homes disappeared under a tide of muck. Twenty lives were lost and nearly 40,000 people displaced, with damages topping $ 2.7 billion. The disaster, known as the Lusi mudflow, continues to have its impact till now. A mud volcano, Lusi expels water and clay rather than molten rock. such eruptions occur around the world, but Lusi is the biggest and most damaging know. Scientists have debated the cause for years. and two intensely argued hypotheses have emerged: Some believe and earthquake set off the disaster, others that the mudflow was caused by a company drilling for natural gas. Researchers largely relied on computer models and comparisons with other earthquakes and mud volcano eruptions. But recently scientists uncovered a previously overlooked set of gas, reading collected at the drilling sites by Lapindo BBrantas, a natural gas and oil company, in the days before the mudflow began. In a report in, the new data proves that the drilling by the company caused the disaster.
Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word/words (Questions 6-15)
Be it sunny or rainy,
For your safety I must be
Vigil and agile, on the middle
Standing erect, as fit as a fiddle.
Oh! My ear hurts! Oh! My head aches!
Oh! Look at the weather... such unpredictable days!
But I cannot swerve; I must be on duty.
I care for your safety.
Be it noisy or dusty; Be it sunny or rainy;
I must be on duty. I care for your safety.
According to a Global Innovation Index report published in July 2018, Bangladesh is ranked 116th out of 126 nations, the lowest score in Asia ..... below India ranked 57th and Pakistan ranked 109th. The ranking measures key factors such as the political, regulatory and business environments, research and development, infrastructure, investment and credit, knowledge creation and diffusion .... with a scope of determining how well each country is tackling the issues of energy, education, and quality of life.
With such a low rank.... 17th in Asia (which also houses the fifth highest ranked innovative country in the world, Singapore) ..... Bangladesh has been levelled a nation where innovation rarely takes precedence over conservative thinking and traditional values that make people resistant to change or unable to induce it.
The government of Bangladesh has initiated several projects since the ruling Awami League party came to power in 2009. Mostly floated under the banner and vision of a "Digital Bangladesh", the projects have since sought to create a policy framework where individuals and organizations can come forward with innovative ideas and receive funding, infrastructure, and knowledge support. Along with a significant push from the private sector in the form of "accelerators", the past decade has seen a steady stream of startups that tried to address the many issues that plague the country in various sectors.... health, education, transport and other services.
"The startup ecosystem in Bangladesh has surely come a long way since we started our journey about 10 years back," says Minhaz Anwar, head of Grameenphone's Accelerator programme." The success stories of Pathao, Sheba.xyz and Chaldal are building confidence among investors and promoters and at the same time contributing to major mind-shift of the young people towards opting for jobs with startups offering home grown solutions as sustainable career paths."
While there are portions of the startup ecosystem that have managed to enter the fray and stay in the public eye, the innovation that comes from continued research and development (R&D) are still scant. The success of Pathao, Chaldal and Sheba.xyz are rooted in solving issues that have not been addressed by the government.... Pathao looks to reduce wait times on Dhaka roads by jump- starting the concept of motorbike ride-sharing, Chaldal wants to reduce the number of people crowding around the city hubs that are traditional bazars by having them order groceries online, and Sheba.xyz looks to formalize a blue collar service sector that has largely stayed under the radar of who can be considered human capital in the country. While these startups are doing well short-term, these are also a constant reminder of how little these issues were addressed by long-term R&D projects that can remove the need for private intervention.
Read the following passage and answer the questions (1-5):
'Bacteria' is the common name of a very large group of one-celled microscopic organism that, we believe, may be the smallest, simplest, and perhaps even the very first form of cellular life that evolved on earth. That is why they are observable only under a microscope. There are three main types of bacteria, which are classified according to their shape.
The bacilli are a group of bacteria that occur in the soil and air. They are shaped like ords. If we look at them under a microscope, we find them in motion. they always seem to be rolling or tumbling under the microscope. These bacilli are largely responsible for food spoilage. There is another group of bacteria who tend to grow in chains. They are referred to as the cocci group. A common example of this type is streptococci that causes strep throat. Finally, there is the spiral shaped bacteria called spirilla. They look a little like corkscrews, and they are responsible for a number of diseases in humans. Some species of bacteria cause disease, but mostly bacteria live harmlessly on the skin, in the mouth, and the intestines. In fact, bacteria are very helpful to researchers. Bacterial cells resemble the cells of other life forms in many ways, and may be studied to give us insights.
'Bacteria' is the common name of a very large group of one-celled microscopic organism that, we believe, may be the smallest, simplest, and perhaps even the very first form of cellular life that evolved on earth. That is why they are observable only under a microscope. There are three main types of bacteria, which are classified according to their shape.
The bacilli are a group of bacteria that occur in the soil and air. They are shaped like rods. If we look at them under a microscope, we find them in motion, they always seem to be rolling or tumbling under the microscope. These bacilli are largely responsible for food spoilage. There is another group of bacteria who tend to grow in chains. They are referred to as the cocci group. A common example of this type is streptococci that causes strep throat. Finally, there is the spiral shaped bacteria called spirilla. They look a little like corkscrews, and they are responsible for a number of diseases in humans. Some species of bacteria cause diseases, but mostly bacteria live harmlessly on the skin, in the mouth, and the intestines. In fact, bacteria are very helpful to researchers. Bacterial cells resemble the cells of other life forms in many ways, and may be studied to give us insights.
Orville and Wilbur Wright, the inventors of the first flying machine, had always had a compelling interest in aeronautics and mechanics. As young boys, they earned money by making and selling kites and mechanical toys. Later, they built a printing press and operated a bicycle-repair shop. In 1903, the Wright brothers built their first airplane. They even designed and built their own source of propulsion - a lightweight gasoline engine. By 1905, they had perfected the first airplane that could remain airborne for half an hour at a time As the contributors of one of the most outstanding engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are called the fathers of aviation
In questions 6 through 10, indicate from the given choices, which has the similar meaning of the word in CAPITAL letters.
In questions 11 through 15, indicate from the given choices, which one has an opposite meaning of the word in CAPITAL letters.
In questions 6 through 15, indicate from the given choices, which has the similar meaning of the word in CAPITAL.
Recently, significant problems regarding energy use have emerged. Enormous amounts of pollutants are being emitted from power plants, factories, and automobiles, which are worsening the condition of the earth. This environmental degradation is a clear result of acid rain, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and other forms of air pollution. Acid rain and air pollution, for instance, are devastating forests, crops, and lakes over wide areas all over the world. Since the 1950 s, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased by 13 %, setting the stage for global warming. As atmospheric temperature rise, grain output may significantly decrease, making it more difficult for farmers to keep pace with the growth of population. In urban areas, air pollution is taking a toll on buildings and human health. To reduce the amount of environmental damage in cities, developed countries have devised technology to control harmful emissions. However, as these countries already have an abundance of vehicles that continue to grow in number, the efficacy of these measures is diminished. Since cars and other vehicles create more effective means to reduce pollution is to decrease the number of vehicles. A major shift away from automobile usage in a number of vehicles. A major shift away from automobile usage in urban areas may be possible with the aid of urban planning.
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